Tuesday, June 29, 2010

In the beginning...

Even as a small child I had my favourites... starting with an oversized reddish pink t-shirt that I wore when working on the farm! My mum threw that one out, something she only admitted too last year (some 20 years after the fact).

When I was 16 my uncle introduced me to labels and the obsession began to take route. Two Calvin Klein tees, one white, one grey. Back when CK felt there logo was enough and they didn't need all that extra "fromage"* stuff spat all over the t-shirt for it to be saleable. Both of these have been retired... one forcibly when it fell apart (some 7 years later), the other was sent to a better place not long after, under instruction from a friend I'm going to call the Tshirt monster...

I then entered the first of many t-shirt phases. The ill thought out v-neck phase was something that haunted me for a number of years, and only now am I once again going back there.

My foray into vintage tshirts was short but successful, with a great pale yellow atari t-shirt being the result. Unfortunately the Tshirt monster stole this one from my closet and has held it ransom for some two years now. I pray daily for its safe return.

I now search for the perfect blend of colour, print/pattern and form... there are some truly hideous tees out there *cough* Ed Hardy *cough*! So the quest for the perfect t-shirt goes on... I think a post about my selection rules will be required.

*Fromage: I don't really know what this means, but in context of Bubble on Ab Fab, it means extra unneeded crap.

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